Registration Process

Step 1: Register with Accessibility Services

To begin the reasonable accommodation request process:

  • You will need your LU email and password
  • Visit: and complete the intake form
  • Download and complete the Consent form
  • Download the Documented Disability Form (must be completed by non-familial licensed medical professional treating your impairment)


*You will be responsible for any costs associated with acquiring this documentation


Step 2: Submit Required Documentation

  • Log into your file: http//
  • Upload the Consent form and Documented disability form
  • Upload supporting medical documentation, if applicable


You will receive an email confirmation to schedule an appointment when all documentation has been received.

Step 3: Intake and Assessment

  • You will receive notification via email to schedule a meeting with Accessibility Services staff.
  • This is an interactive meeting. The Accessibility Services staff will ask questions to better understand your impairment and possible reasonable accommodations.


Step 4: Determination of Reasonable Accommodations

  • Accessibility Services staff will review your request and notify you via email when a decision has been made regarding your accommodation request.


Please note, it is your responsibility to request your approved accommodations each semester.