Workshop/ Panel Presentation Proposal Criteria and Submission Guidelines

The workshops and panel sessions will serve as training or informational sessions. The workshop or panel session topics may focus on the presentation of teaching innovations; an area of research; a new theoretical perspective; the application of a body of knowledge; skill development; or another clearly focused topic. Workshop leaders are encouraged to advertise their workshops and solicit participation. Student Professional Development workshops should focus on building skills for undertaking undergraduate research and or preparing for graduate school i.e. data analysis, writing a competitive essay, etc.,

  • Faculty facilitated Student Professional Development focused Workshops will occur, Spring 2019, date TBD
  • Faculty Train-the-Trainer workshops will occur, Spring 2019, date TBD  

Workshop proposals should include the following:

  • Title of the workshop
  • Names, e-mail addresses, and affiliations of all presenters
  • A detailed (i.e., at least 1-2 page) rationale that outlines the workshop's goals
  • A brief (50-75 words) outline and description of workshop activities for potential inclusion in the conference program, room size and configuration requested (e.g., theater seating, tables of eight, etc.)
  • Equipment required for the workshop.
  • Maximum enrollment number

Workshop proposals should be uploaded as a PDF file using the following link:

For review consideration, all proposals must be submitted Spring 2019, date TBD

For more information contact Vanessa McRae at or 484-365-7693