

卫生许可 one of our primary responsibilities is to ensure that all students are cleared for matriculation, and that all students living on campus are free of communicable diseases. This requires us to have an up to date history and physical on file for each enrollee, 还有免疫接种记录. The United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has accepted from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) required and recommended immunizations, 我们在全球十大外围足球平台采用的方法. Those required and recommended immunizations are listed on the history and physical form, which should have been completed prior to your arrival. 不遵守联邦法规, 状态, and local requirements 五月 prevent persons from registering for classes.

H p a a We are committed to preserving the privacy of your Personal Health 全球十大外围足球平台rmation (PHI). 我们有详细的隐私惯例通知, which fully explains your rights and our obligations under the law. Be sure to obtain your copy of this notice from our office.

缺课笔记 我们不给缺课的学生批注. 如果学生被建议卧床休息, a member of the 卫生服务 staff will send an e-mail to the student’s instructors advising them of the same.


Currently enrolled students will have charges billed to their accounts for some services. 价格见下文:

Physician or Nurse Appointment                                                                       No Charge

 Study Abroad Physicals                                                                                      No Charge

*Please be advised that students studying abroad will be required to visit the local travel clinic for required medications and/or vaccines. 我们的医生 五月 be able to provide a prescription for medication based on travel destination; however, it will then be the responsibility of the student to have the prescription filled at a local pharmacy at his or her own expense.


 Physicals                                                                                                                 $35.00现金


Athletic Physicals should be scheduled with the 体育运动 Department 工作人员

Breathing Treatment (Albuterol via Nebulizer)                                                             $10.00

Dressing Changes                                                                                                       No Charge

Rapid Strep A/Mono Screen                                                                                            $10.00

Urine STD Screening (Chlamydia and Gonorrhea)                                                        $20.00

Diagnostic testing (urine/stool)                                                                                       $10.00

Pregnancy testing and counseling is offered free of charge on Tuesdays between the hours of 9:30am and 11:30am through Cornerstone Pregnancy Counseling Services.                                                                                           

Written Prescription                                                                                                       No Charge

对乙酰氨基酚, 布洛芬, Sinus Pain and Pressure Tabs                                      No Charge


Prescription Medications                                                                                                 $10.00

*There are some over the counter medications we charge for; you will be notified by the nurse of those medications if given. All charges (except for physicals) will be billed to your student account, 参观时不需付款. *



Depo-Provera 注射 (*Medication 必须 be supplied by student)                      No Charge

Allergy 注射                                                                                                               No Charge

*Serum 必须 be on hand in 卫生服务 with appropriate documentation from Allergy Specialist with regards to instructions, 剂量, 以及给药频率. Appointments 必须 be scheduled during physician hours.

Hepatitis B                             Series of Three (3) 注射                                          $235.00                   



MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)        Series of Two (2) 注射                             $195.00



Meningococcal (Meningitis)                                                                                            $200.00

Tdap (Tetanus)                                                                                                                    $40.00

肺结核(PPD ~包括阅读48-72小时. after injection)                                $30.00

Varivax (Varicella/Chicken Pox)           Series of Two (2) 注射                              $250.00

*运输 可以 be provided to local off-campus appointments at no charge. 学生 必须 request transportation 24-48hrs in advance by calling 484-365-7338 or emailing healthservices@38sesese.com.  工作人员 reserves the right to deny transportation based on distance, 天气状况, 司机的可用性. *